
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Sealing Concrete Floor

Whether you seal or paint a concrete floor, both enhance durability, extend the lifespan, and transform the space.    Sealing a concrete floor might sound like – just do it yourself project- a simple job that you can handle easily. But do you know the four common mistakes that can definitely ruin your project? Make sure you know what to do and what not to do when you tackle the task by yourself.   

Pros and Cons of Polished Concrete

With all flooring materials, polished concrete provides a number of benefits. This is the reason it is one of the most popular flooring choices for commercial, manufacturing facilities, shops, processing plants, production floors, communal areas, and other areas that receive high traffic.  There are also some drawbacks to using polished concrete but many issues that arise can be tackled easily. So, we can say that, in the end, the advantages of polished concrete flooring outweigh the negatives.      It is very important to understand the demands of the environment where the flooring will be installed. Learn about the pros and cons.    Pros   High Durability   Polished concrete flooring is highly strong and resilient. This floor is able to withstand the pressure that it gets from heavy traffic and equipment. These floors hardly get damaged and it is also nearly impossible to scratch or chip.     Life-Span of the Floor   The...

Easy Steps to Remove Concrete Sealers  

With the right sealer, concrete on the floor is able to successfully withstand UV rays and water damage. The wear and tear of concrete is dependent on various factors such as long-term use, freeze-thaw cycles, abrasions, and exposure to the elements.    

Different Types of Sealers for Concrete

There are different types of sealers used for concrete floors. Let us see what these are.     Film-Forming and Penetrating Sealers   To keep decorative concrete or even plain-looking attractive for a long time, our experts at Tuff Build strongly recommend high-quality concrete sealers .  

What Stage Are You at in Your Epoxy Flooring Search?

The very first step in getting epoxy is making a decision. Once you decide to get the epoxy coating on your floor, the next step would be to hire epoxy experts. The professional epoxy flooring service providers in Melbourne would know the in and out of epoxy coating the floor. Getting their help will save you a lot of time and effort. But even before hiring a professional, we will see the reasons you are making such a big decision.